Upper Klamath National Wildlife Refuge

Fish and Wildlife Service, Oregon.

Today Upper Klamath Refuge comprises 23,098 acres, mostly freshwater hardstem-cattail marsh and open water, along with approximately 30 acres of forested uplands. These habitats serve as excellent nesting and brood rearing areas for waterfowl and colonial nesting birds, including American white pelican and several heron species. Bald eagle and osprey nest nearby and can sometimes be seen fishing in refuge waters.

This refuge consists of a naturally occurring cattail-bulrush marsh at the edge of Upper Klamath Lake. Currently a fire management plan is being developed so that marsh management and vegetation can be manipulated by using prescribed burning.

Waterfowl densities are monitored during the fall, winter and spring via aerial census. Ongoing research projects include yellow rail and neotropical migrants by refuge cooperators who operate out of the Rocky Point cabin area.

Nearby Activities


From Klamath Falls, Oregon, take Highway 140 to the Rocky Point Junction. Then travel north approximately 2 miles to the Rocky Point boat launch, or another 3.5 miles to the Malone Springs boat launch.

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