Hassayampa Inn

Near Prescott, Arizona

Hassayampa Inn does not offer reservations through Recreation.gov. Please take a look at the area details below for more information about visiting this location. Enjoy your visit!


The Hassayampa Inn, built in 1927 and a member of Historic Hotels of America® since 1996 was listed in the National Register of Historic Places in 1979.

Historic Hotels of America is the official program of the National Trust for Historic Preservation® for recognizing and celebrating the finest historic hotels across America.

In 1927, El Paso architect Henry Trost was challenged by local citizens to design a grand hotel that would become the cornerstone of downtown Prescott. Initially envisioned as a Pueblo Art Deco structure, it was altered to depict a more simple brick faзade. Since the day it opened, the Hassayampa Inn has been a sought-after retreat for travelers desiring attentive service in a charming and relaxed environment. The rich glazed tiling, hand-painted ceiling beams and wall murals, etched stained glass windows and doors, and the attendant-operated elevator create a warm and inviting atmosphere.

For Price Match Guarantee and Special Offers please visit, please visit HistoricHotels.org.

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