Davidson River
National Forests in North Carolina
Davidson River Recreation Area offers camping and outdoor activities for the whole family. The campground boasts several loops of shaded campsites, as well as access to hiking trails, fishing spots, waterfalls and several nearby attractions within Pisgah National Forest. It lies just four miles west of the town of Brevard and less than an hour from the city of Asheville. The facility is open year-round. Learn more here to prepare for your trip.
Campsites are organized into eight loops and some are adjacent to the water. Sites are mostly shaded and equipped with picnic tables, tent pads, lantern posts and campfire rings with grills. The facility also provides hot showers and restrooms with flush toilets in each loop. Campers can purchase ice and firewood on-site and rent bikes nearby.
Need to Know
- Quiet hours are from 10:00 pm - 7:00 am. Gates may be closed but not locked from 10 p.m. to 7 a.m.
- Note that check-in time is 2:00 pm. No campsite is guaranteed to be open and available for users until this time.
- Check-out time is 12:00 pm. Please make sure to plan your departure day to provide adequate time for staff to prepare the site for the next group of visitors.
A number of first-come, first-serve sites are offered during the winter only. Availability is extremely limited during peak season, weekends, and holidays. It is recommended that visitors reserve other sites ahead of time.
- Single campsites are limited to 2 vehicles per site and double campsites limited to 4 vehicles per site. Additional vehicles wishing to park at the site are subject to a $5.00 per vehicle fee.
- All campsites must be occupied the first night of a reservation. Any unoccupied site on the first night will be released for other users and reservations will be cancelled without opportunity for refund.
Pets are allowed on-site and must be supervised for the duration of your stay. Dogs must be kept on-leash or contained for the duration of your stay. Dog fences are not allowed in the campground.
- Davidson River is located in black bear territory. Visitors are expected to keep all smellable items locked away inside a camper, vehicle, or provided bear box. Visitors who do not comply with this rule may be asked to vacate the facility due to an increased risk of public safety.
- Generators may be used up to 4 hours per day between 8 a.m. and 8 p.m.; generators not allowed on Poplar Loop (sites 99-113)
Campground hosts sites are clearly marked. Hosts are present to provide assistance to visitors should the need arise.
Campground hosts are available for any questions. Campground office number is (828) 885-7557.
- Don't Move Firewood: Help protect our forests! Prevent the spread of tree-killing pests by obtaining firewood at or near your destination and burning it on-site. Moving firewood is illegal in some states. Visit dontmovefirewood.org to learn more.
This campground is managed by Naventure.
- Click here to learn more about the National Forests in North Carolina
Natural Features
The campground is located in Pisgah National Forest at an elevation of 2,150 feet. The surrounding land boasts mile-high peaks, cascading waterfalls and slopes thickly forested with hardwoods and conifers. The group camping area is adjacent to the beautiful Davidson River.
Nearby Attractions
Several natural and cultural attractions are within close proximity to the campground. Sliding Rock, Looking Glass Falls and the scenic Blue Ridge Parkway are among the more popular sites. The small town of Brevard offers various amenities and services, and visitors can take a trip to Asheville to visit art galleries, shops and restaurants.
The forest is known for its hiking trails, several of which are near the campground. Hikers can challenge themselves with the 12.3-mile Art Loeb Trail, the 3.7-mile North Slope Trail or a 1.5-mile walking trail.
The Davidson River offers excellent trout fishing, plus tubing and swimming, which are kid-friendly favorite activities. Visitors wishing to learn more about the area can attend educational programs in summer and fall.
Changes & Cancellations
Any cancellations must be taken care of directly with recreation.gov. Note that this facility does not provide refunds for No Shows or incliment weather.
Contact Information
Phone Number
For campground inquiries, please call: (828) 785-5337
Rental Options
Learn more about gear rental options for your trip
Driving Directions
From Asheville, North Carolina, take I-40 West to I-26 East to Exit 40 (Airport Road/Asheville Regional Airport), onto State Highway 280. Continue south 15.5 miles on 280 to Pisgah National Forest. Turn right at the intersection of Highway 280/64/276. Go north on 276 for 1 mile. Follow signs to the campground.
From Spartanburg, South Carolina, take I-26 West to Exit 40 (Airport Road/Asheville Regional Airport), onto State Highway 280. Continue south 15.5 miles on 280 to Pisgah National Forest. Turn right at the intersection of Highway 280/64/276. Go north on 276 for 1 mile. Follow signs to the campground.
From Charlotte, North Carolina, take I-85 South to Gastonia and exit at U.S. Highway 74 West. Merge with I-26 West to Exit 40 (Airport Road/Asheville Regional Airport), onto State Highway 280. Continue south 15.5 miles on 280 to Pisgah National Forest. Turn right at the intersection of Highway 280/64/276. Go north on 276 for 1 mile. Follow signs to the campground.
Available Campsites
- Site 099, Loop POPLAR, Type Standard Nonelectric
- Site 088, Loop LAUREL, Type Standard Nonelectric
- Site 058, Loop DOGW, Type Standard Electric
- Site 039, Loop APPL, Type Standard Nonelectric
- Site 056, Loop DOGW, Type Standard Nonelectric
- Site 113, Loop POPLAR, Type Standard Nonelectric
- Site 155, Loop Riverbend, Type Standard Nonelectric
- Site 128, Loop HEML, Type Standard Electric
- Site 147, Loop Riverbend, Type Standard Nonelectric
- Site 074, Loop DOGW, Type Standard Nonelectric
- Site 022, Loop WOAK, Type Standard Nonelectric
- Site 115, Loop HEML, Type Standard Nonelectric
- Site 054, Loop APPL, Type Standard Nonelectric
- Site 047, Loop APPL, Type Standard Nonelectric
- Site 008, Loop SYCAMORE, Type Standard Electric
- Site 080, Loop LAUREL, Type Standard Nonelectric
- Site 150, Loop Riverbend, Type Standard Nonelectric
- Site 140, Loop Roadside, Type Standard Nonelectric
- Site 025, Loop WOAK, Type Standard Nonelectric
- Site 040, Loop APPL, Type Standard Nonelectric
- Site 129, Loop HEML, Type Standard Electric
- Site 084, Loop LAUREL, Type Standard Nonelectric
- Site 078, Loop DOGW, Type Standard Electric
- Site 081, Loop LAUREL, Type Standard Nonelectric
- Site 013, Loop WOAK, Type Standard Nonelectric
- Site 120, Loop HEML, Type Standard Nonelectric
- Site 050, Loop APPL, Type Standard Nonelectric
- Site 048, Loop APPL, Type Standard Nonelectric
- Site 092, Loop LAUREL, Type Standard Nonelectric
- Site 132, Loop HEML, Type Standard Nonelectric
- Site 012, Loop WOAK, Type Standard Nonelectric
- Site 104, Loop POPLAR, Type Standard Nonelectric
- Site 072, Loop DOGW, Type Standard Nonelectric
- Site 123, Loop HEML, Type Standard Nonelectric
- Site 109, Loop POPLAR, Type Standard Nonelectric
- Site 028, Loop WOAK, Type Standard Nonelectric
- Site 001, Loop SYCAMORE, Type Standard Electric
- Site 087, Loop LAUREL, Type Standard Nonelectric
- Site 014, Loop WOAK, Type Standard Nonelectric
- Site 117, Loop HEML, Type Standard Nonelectric
- Site 037, Loop APPL, Type Standard Nonelectric
- Site 006, Loop SYCAMORE, Type Standard Electric
- Site 143, Loop Roadside, Type Standard Nonelectric
- Site 026, Loop WOAK, Type Standard Nonelectric
- Site 100, Loop POPLAR, Type Standard Electric
- Site 038, Loop APPL, Type Standard Nonelectric
- Site 086, Loop LAUREL, Type Standard Nonelectric
- Site 148, Loop Riverbend, Type Standard Nonelectric
- Site 051, Loop APPL, Type Standard Nonelectric
- Site 052, Loop APPL, Type Standard Nonelectric
- Site 134, Loop Roadside, Type Standard Nonelectric
- Site 030, Loop WOAK, Type Standard Nonelectric
- Site 005, Loop SYCAMORE, Type Standard Electric
- Site 121, Loop HEML, Type Standard Electric
- Site 108, Loop POPLAR, Type Standard Nonelectric
- Site 103, Loop POPLAR, Type Standard Nonelectric
- Site 023, Loop WOAK, Type Standard Electric
- Site 033, Loop APPL, Type Standard Nonelectric
- Site 114, Loop HEML, Type Standard Nonelectric
- Site 007, Loop SYCAMORE, Type Standard Electric
- Site 159, Loop Riverbend, Type Standard Nonelectric
- Site 095, Loop LAUREL, Type Standard Nonelectric
- Site 002, Loop SYCAMORE, Type Standard Electric
- Site 116, Loop HEML, Type Standard Nonelectric
- Site 021, Loop WOAK, Type Standard Nonelectric
- Site 137, Loop Roadside, Type Standard Nonelectric
- Site 004, Loop SYCAMORE, Type Standard Electric
- Site 124, Loop HEML, Type Standard Electric
- Site 079, Loop LAUREL, Type Standard Nonelectric
- Site 152, Loop Riverbend, Type Standard Nonelectric
- Site 017, Loop WOAK, Type Standard Nonelectric
- Site 110, Loop POPLAR, Type Standard Nonelectric
- Site 063, Loop DOGW, Type Standard Nonelectric
- Site 082, Loop LAUREL, Type Standard Nonelectric
- Site 003, Loop SYCAMORE, Type Standard Electric
- Site 139, Loop Roadside, Type Standard Nonelectric
- Site 076, Loop DOGW, Type Standard Electric
- Site 146, Loop Roadside, Type Standard Nonelectric
- Site 009, Loop SYCAMORE, Type Standard Electric
- Site 093, Loop LAUREL, Type Standard Nonelectric
- Site 122, Loop HEML, Type Standard Nonelectric
- Site 043, Loop APPL, Type Standard Nonelectric
- Site 149, Loop Riverbend, Type Standard Nonelectric
- Site 111, Loop POPLAR, Type Standard Nonelectric
- Site 118, Loop HEML, Type Standard Nonelectric
- Site 154, Loop Riverbend, Type Standard Nonelectric
- Site 041, Loop APPL, Type Standard Nonelectric
- Site 145, Loop Roadside, Type Standard Nonelectric
- Site 106, Loop POPLAR, Type Standard Nonelectric
- Site 015, Loop WOAK, Type Standard Nonelectric
- Site 027, Loop WOAK, Type Standard Electric
- Site 053, Loop APPL, Type Standard Nonelectric
- Site 130, Loop HEML, Type Standard Electric
- Site 105, Loop POPLAR, Type Standard Nonelectric
- Site 153, Loop Riverbend, Type Standard Nonelectric
- Site 089, Loop LAUREL, Type Standard Nonelectric
- Site 019, Loop WOAK, Type Standard Nonelectric
- Site 141, Loop Roadside, Type Standard Nonelectric
- Site 119, Loop HEML, Type Standard Electric
- Site 069, Loop DOGW, Type Standard Nonelectric
- Site 044, Loop APPL, Type Standard Nonelectric
- Site 107, Loop POPLAR, Type Standard Nonelectric
- Site 102, Loop POPLAR, Type Standard Nonelectric
- Site 101, Loop POPLAR, Type Standard Nonelectric
- Site 066, Loop DOGW, Type Standard Nonelectric
- Site 075, Loop DOGW, Type Standard Nonelectric
- Site 157, Loop Riverbend, Type Standard Nonelectric
- Site 136, Loop Roadside, Type Standard Nonelectric
- Site 071, Loop DOGW, Type Standard Electric
- Site 158, Loop Riverbend, Type Standard Nonelectric
- Site 090, Loop LAUREL, Type Standard Nonelectric
- Site 133, Loop Roadside, Type Standard Nonelectric
- Site 135, Loop Roadside, Type Standard Nonelectric
- Site 161, Loop Riverbend, Type Standard Nonelectric
- Site 125, Loop HEML, Type Standard Electric
- Site 151, Loop Riverbend, Type Standard Nonelectric
- Site 144, Loop Roadside, Type Standard Nonelectric
- Site 138, Loop Roadside, Type Standard Nonelectric
- Site 127, Loop HEML, Type Standard Electric
- Site 098, Loop LAUREL, Type Standard Nonelectric
- Site 035, Loop APPL, Type Standard Nonelectric
- Site 062, Loop DOGW, Type Standard Electric
- Site 010, Loop SYCAMORE, Type Standard Electric
- Site 061, Loop DOGW, Type Standard Electric
- Site 094, Loop LAUREL, Type Standard Nonelectric
- Site 083, Loop LAUREL, Type Standard Nonelectric
- Site 059, Loop DOGW, Type Standard Nonelectric
- Site 045, Loop APPL, Type Standard Nonelectric
- Site 036, Loop APPL, Type Standard Nonelectric
- Site 065, Loop DOGW, Type Standard Electric
- Site 032, Loop WOAK, Type Standard Electric
- Site 034, Loop APPL, Type Standard Nonelectric
- Site 096, Loop LAUREL, Type Standard Electric
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