Nambe Falls Reservoir

Bureau of Reclamation, New Mexico.

Nambe Falls Dam and Reservoir are on the Rio Nambe 25 miles north of Santa Fe, NM are features of the San Juan - Chama Project. Recreation at Nambe Falls is managed by the Nambe Pueblo under agreement with the Bureau of Reclamation. The Pueblo can be reached at (505) 455-2036. Usually closed mid-November to mid-March. Fee area. Roads good to fair in recreation area. Goods and services at ranger station. No lodging. Available species include rainbow and cutthroat trout, and salmon. Nambe Pueblo fishing permit. Motorized boating; electric motors only. No stream fishing downstream from dam.

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Located 18 miles north of Santa Fe via U.S. 84-285, State 503, and Nambe Rt. 1 to entrance at ranger station.

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