Lee Vining Canyon Scenic Byway

Department of Transportation.

Flanked by the Ansel Adams and Hoover Wilderness Areas and Yosemite National Park, Lee Vining Canyon Scenic Byway takes you through glacier and volcano-created scenery; a dichotomous conflict between two primal elements.


Navigating the Byway:

Driving the Byway

Follow Highway 120 west through the Inyo National Forest from the town of Lee Vining to the Yosemite Entrance Station at Tioga Pass.

From Lee Vining, CA:

Head south on Interstate 395, and turn right onto Highway 120. The byway begins there.

From Yosemite National Park:

Take Tioga Road Scenic Byway (Highway 120) and head north. Lee Vining Canyon Scenic Byway begins right after the National Park entrance at Tioga Pass.

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