Fish and Wildlife Service, Tennessee.
Established in 1964, Hatchie National Wildlife Refuge is located along 23 miles of the Hatchie River in Haywood County in west Tennessee. The purpose for which the refuge was established is “... for use as an inviolate sanctuary, or for any other management purpose, for migratory birds.”.
Hatchie NWR office is located at Oneal Lake on Hwy 76 immediately south of I-40's Exit 52. From Memphis, TN take I-40 east about one hour to Exit 52. Exit left or north onto Hwy 76, than go 1.5 miles to the Refuge Office on the right. From Nashville, TN take I-40 west to Exit 56. Exit left or south onto Hwy 76, go 3 miles to the Refuge Office on the left.