Prospect Mountain

Bureau of Land Management, Wyoming.

The Prospect Mountain WSA encompasses 1,145 acres of BLM-administered land with no inholdings or split estate. The study area is 70 percent forested with lodgepole pine and aspen as the main species. Elevation varies about 1,000 feet and the terrain drains to the nearby North Platte River. The Prospect Mountain area provides a variety of recreational activities, including fishing, hunting, sightseeing, hiking, camping, rock hounding and wildlife viewing. The North Platte River adjacent to the WSA offers high quality fishing and float-boating and is a well-known national attraction. Other major recreational use is associated with mule deer and elk hunting. This area provides high-quality hunting and has regional significance. Opportunities for sightseeing within the WSA are numerous. The area is exceptionally scenic with nongame wildlife such as raptors and small mammals abundant in the WSA.

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From Riverside WY, take WY 230E for 19 miles to Prospect Peak road and turn left. Travel about five miles and park on the side of the road and hike in.

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