Bureau of Land Management, Wyoming.
The Sheep Mountain WSA encompasses 23,250 acres of BLM-administered public land, and 640 acres of split estate land. The WSA contains bare, rugged badlands created by peaks and ridges broken by irregular, sharply cut drainages radiating from the central portion of the area that is dominated by Sheep Mountain. The Sheep Mountain WSA contains limited geologic and paleontological resources and is occasionally used by wild horses. The Sheep Mountain WSA and the rugged topography provide a resource base for a variety of primitive recreation opportunities such as geologic sightseeing and collecting, hunting, trapping, photography, hiking and backpackingThe network of ridges and drainages radiating from Sheep Mountain provides many isolated travel routes. The terrain is not so rugged as to significantly restrict or confine travel. The eroded badlands are highly scenic and add visual diversity.
This WSA lies 18 miles west of the town of Basin and 5 miles northeast of Bobcat Draw Badlands WSA. Access is from Dorsey Creek Road (BLM Road 1103), which is accessed from Fifteen Mile Road (BLM Road 1429) out of Worland; the Platte Pipeline Road (BLM Road 1430) from Gooseberry Road (Wyoming State Highway 431); or from County Lane 42 1/2, which is accessed from Wyoming State Highway 30 north of the WSA and south of Burlington.