Copalis National Wildlife Refuge

Fish and Wildlife Service, Washington.


Along with Flattery Rocks and Quillayute Needles, Copalis was set aside by President Theodore Roosevelt in 1907 as one of the earliest National Wildlife Refuges in an effort to protect and enhance habitat for struggling seabird populations. Together these Refuges have been designated wilderness and include approximately 800 off-shore rocks, reefs and islands stretching from Cape Flattery in the north to just south of Copalis Head, excepting those that are part of designated Native American reservations. Today the islands swell with raucous flocks of migrating seabirds including Caspian terns and sooty shearwaters during fall and spring migrations. In summer the vast majority of Washington’s breeding seabirds jostle for space on these remote rocks. Black oystercatchers tend pebbly nests at the water’s edge, common murres lay gravity defying eggs on barren ledges, and tufted puffins burrow their nests deep into the loamy bluffs.



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Located over 100 miles of Washington's Pacific coast from Flattery Rocks south to Copalis Beach. Because of the fragile and remote nature of the Refuge all the islands are closed to human disturbance. A 200-yard buffer zone surrounds each island to protect the wildlife. However the Refuges and their inhabitants may be viewed with binoculars or spotting scopes from several beaches along the coast, including Shi Shi, Cape Alava, Rialto, Second, Ruby, and Kalaloch. These islands are closed to the public in order to protect seabird nesting sites. Islands can be viewed from coastal highway or ocean beaches.

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