Anthracite Pass #1969

Near Carbondale, Colorado

Anthracite Pass #1969 does not offer reservations through Please take a look at the area details below for more information about visiting this location. Enjoy your visit!


A very difficult day hike to a mountain pass through groves of aspen, pine forests and open meadows offering wonderful views of surrounding peaks. Due to the steep terrain, this trail is recommended for experienced backpackers. Camping is prohibited within 100 feet of the trail and streams. The trail starts a quarter mile up Yule Creek trail and ends at the pass. This is a short, very steep trail. Most people agree that the climb is worth the beautiful views from atop the Raggeds Wilderness. There is hiking and heavy horse use on this trail in the fall during hunting season. Great area to view wildflowers. You can also get to the pass from the Raspberry Creek trail.