East Lake Creek #1880

Near Edwards, Colorado

East Lake Creek #1880 does not offer reservations through Recreation.gov. Please take a look at the area details below for more information about visiting this location. Enjoy your visit!


The East Lake Creek trail begins at West Lake Creek Road and ends at Upper Camp Lake. This popular trail begins as a well-defined, moderately uphill dirt path through lodge pole pine and aspen with the first 2 miles traveling through damp lush aspen forest with abundant wildflowers down to East Lake Creek. This first 2 miles makes a popular short hike to the wooden bridge over East Lake Creek. After crossing the bridge, the trail is a continuous moderate climb up the east side of East Lake Creek becoming rocky and wet in areas, and can be difficult to follow in spots.

* There is a printable Recreation Quicksheet for this trail which is complete with directions, a map, details, and other information about this trail. Or to see quicksheets for other recreation areas across the Forest, click on the "Recreation Quicksheets" link in the right column and select the appropriate Ranger District.