Near Tijeras, New Mexico
Coyote Th, Coyote Trls 05620, 05619, 05851, Fr 462 does not offer reservations through Please take a look at the area details below for more information about visiting this location. Enjoy your visit!
Coyote Trailhead provides access to the Manzanita Mountains Trail System.
The turn off to Coyote Trailhead is approximately 2 miles south of I-40, on NM 337.
The first trailhead on that turn off is Chamisoso Trailhead. It provides access to Chamisoso Trail 05184 by way of Powerline Trail 05543.
Travel further up the road you will come to Coyote Trailhead, which leads to Coyote-Chamisoso Link 05620, Forest Road 462, Coyote Trail 05619 and Coyote Split Trail 05851.
Please refer to the Manzanita Mountains Trail System map to plan your course.
Trails/Roads from this trailhead are open for the following uses: Hiking, Mountain Biking, Horseback Riding, OHV's (FS 462 only), & 2 Wheel Motorized vehicles.
**Off Highway Vehicles (OHV) less than or equal to 50 inches wide may use Forest Roads 462, 12, 13, 542 & Meadow Ridge 05627 ONLY. Make sure to consult your map. (Look on the map for the black and white choppy lines).