Brookwood American Cemetery and Memorial, United Kingdom

Brookwood American Cemetery and Memorial, United Kingdom does not offer reservations through Please take a look at the area details below for more information about visiting this location. Enjoy your visit!


The 4.5 acre Brookwood American Cemetery and Memorial in England lies to the west of the large civilian cemetery built by the London Necropolis Co. and contains the graves of 468 of our military dead. Close by are military cemeteries and monuments of the British Commonwealth and other allied nations. Automobiles may drive through the Commonwealth or civilian cemeteries to the American cemetery. Within the American cemetery the headstones are arranged in four plots, grouped about the flagpole. The regular rows of white marble headstones on the smooth lawn are framed by masses of shrubs and evergreen trees which form a perfect setting for the chapel, a classic white stone building on the north end of the cemetery. The interior of the chapel is of tan-hued stone. Small stained-glass windows light the altar and flags and the carved cross above them. On the walls within the chapel are inscribed the names of 563 of the missing. Rosettes mark the names of those since recovered and identified.