Grand Mesa, Uncompahgre and Gunnison National Forest
Daisy Pass #404 does not offer reservations through Please take a look at the area details below for more information about visiting this location. Enjoy your visit!
The Daisy Pass Trail #404 begins at Forest Service Road 552, Poverty Gulch Road, and ends at Forest Service Road 585, Gunsight Road. The first 1.6 miles of the trail follow an old mining road as you climb to Baxter Basin. The narrow single track trail will be on the left and marked with a sign. The trail becomes steeper as you near Daisy Pass, the steepest being just under the summit. At Daisy Pass, the trail enters the Raggeds Wilderness Area where wilderness regulations apply. It switchbacks down from the ridge into Democrat Basin and in about 1.3 miles from the pass it intersects the Oh-Be-Joyful Pass Trail #835, stay to the left to continue on Daisy Pass Trail. In another mile the trail intersects the Oh-Be-Joyful Trail #836, stay straight to continue on Daisy Pass Trail. It skirts the base of the Ruby Range as it leads toward Blue Lake, in about ¾ of a mile the Blue Lake Trail 404.3A will be on your right. Continue straight on the Daisy Pass Trail which follows the curve of the basin and leads southwest of Garfield Peak, which will be immediately in front of you. The next quarter mile is a steep ascent, with incredible views of Democrat Basin, Purple Peak, Aftly Peak and Blue Lake. The trail then descends into Peeler Basin. Garfield and Peeler Peaks form the high points on the ridge to the north. Scarp Ridge, with several points above 12,000 feet, forms the south side of the basin. Traveling east, the trail loses its steepness and begins to follow a small stream. Approximately one half mile east of Peeler Lakes the trail forks again when it intersects the Daisy Pass Peeler Trail #404.5A. The Daisy Pass Trail stays to the right and crosses out of the wilderness area after about 1.4 miles. In about another mile the trail ends at FSR 585, Gunsight Road.