Near Wamsutter, Wyoming
East Sand Dunes Wsa does not offer reservations through Please take a look at the area details below for more information about visiting this location. Enjoy your visit!
The Alkali Basin/East Sand Dunes Wilderness Study Area encompasses 12,800 acres of BLM-administered land with no private or state inholdings. The study area includes a portion of the Killpecker Sand Dunes.
The dunes present a rolling topography with the draws and ridges of Alkali Creek providing topographic relief. Sagebrush and bunchgrass are the principle vegetative species. This area is conducive to unconfined recreation such as horseback riding, hiking, backpacking, nature study and wildlife photography. Hunting in the Alkali Basin/East Sand Dunes WSA is mostly for pronghorn antelope. The study area is adjacent to the Red Lake area on the eastern boundary, accessed by County Road 4-21 on the east. The East Sand Dunes are part of the largest active sand dune region in Wyoming and contain beautiful scenery of the Killpecker Sand Dunes as well as lakes formed by ice-fed ponds. The boundary of the area is ADA accessible in some locations.