Participants that require the use of a wheelchair should reserve their seat through the Accessible Wheelchair ONLY Tour. You must have your own wheelchair. Access to Rapidan Camp involves traveling in a Park-operated van on a seven mile unpaved administrative road. For this reason, visitors must join a Ranger-guided program to travel to the site. A Ranger-guided tour of Rapidan Camp includes time inside both the Brown House and the Prime Minister's Cabin, as well as time exploring the grounds and gardens within the Historic Landmark. The van ride is approximately 30 minutes each way. Total tour time (including travel) is 2.5 hours. These popular programs do require some walking and standing on level ground during the tour. Many tours are accessible and can accommodate a wheelchair on the van and at the site. Participants that require the use of a wheelchair should reserve their seat through the Accessible Wheelchair ONLY Tour. You must have your own wheelchair
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Participants that require the use of a wheelchair should reserve their seat through the Accessible Wheelchair ONLY Tour. You must have your own wheelchair. All tours begin and end at the Harry F. Byrd, Sr. Visitor Center (mile 51 on Skyline Drive). Reservation holders should meet at the Byrd Visitor Center flagpole at least 15 minutes prior to the start of the tour. The Ranger will confirm attendance at that time. Late arrival may result in forfeiting your seats on the tour. No refunds for late arrivals.
Travel to Rapidan Camp is by van. Once at the site, participants must stay with the Ranger for the entire tour. The tour will take approximately 2.5 hours.
Pets are prohibited on the tour. Service animals are allowed.
Accessible restrooms are located at Byrd Visitor Center; a vault toilet is available at Rapidan Camp.
No food or water is available at Rapidan Camp; participants may bring water or snacks on the tour, but food, drinks, gum, or tobacco products are not permitted inside the historic buildings.
Backpacks and other items are allowed on the tour, but backpacks, camera bags, and other large items are not permitted in the Brown House. These items may be left near the entrance of the Brown House or in the van.
Programs may be cancelled due to thunder, lightning, or other hazardous conditions. Refunds will be granted, if a tour is cancelled.