Hains Point Mixed Use Field

National Mall and Memorial Parks

Situated at the southern tip of East Potomac Park, the Hains Point Mixed Use Field offers a stunning panoramic view of the confluence of the Washington Channel, Potomac, and Anacostia rivers. The area is also a popular destination for fishing, relaxation, or a delightful picnic. The Hains Point Mixed Use Field offers small-group and team-based recreation and athletic opportunities on both a casual use and competitive use basis.

Reservations are available for one-hour time slots, from 7:00 AM to 8:30 PM during the designated athletic season.

Important note - full-contact rugby may only be played on the Hains Point Mixed Use Field (this location) and the Raoul Wallenberg Mixed Use Field. The West Potomac Park Mixed Use Fields and the Lincoln Memorial Grounds Mixed Use Fields (JFK Hockey Fields) cannot currently accommodate rugby without unacceptable levels of turf damage. Touch-style rugby played without scrums, rucks, or mauls, may be played on any mixed use field.

Need to Know

Need To Know

The following conditions apply to the use of the Hains Point Mixed Use Field:

Leave no trace - any trash generated during use of the area should be placed in the nearest trash receptacle or removed from the area for proper recycling or disposal.

Important Notes:

Please contact the National Park Service Division of Permits Management at (202) 245-4715 for additional information. In the event of disputes, contact the United States Park Police, (202) 426-6710.

Contact Information

1100 Ohio Dr. SW Washington DC 20242

Phone Number

(202) 245-4715

Photo Gallery