Buford-New Castle Road (Forest Road-245)

White River National Forest, Near Carbondale, Colorado

Buford-New Castle Road (Forest Road-245) does not offer reservations through Recreation.gov. Please take a look at the area details below for more information about visiting this location. Enjoy your visit!


The Buford-New Castle Road is the main thoroughfare across the Flat Tops, spanning a total length of approximately 42 miles. The route provides access to numerous side roads, dispersed camping areas, and non-motorized trails. The road is open to highway legal vehicles, along with bicycle, foot, and horse travel. The road is graveled and suitable for passenger cars, though the surface is washboarded in many places. Please drive carefully and stay on the right hand side of the road, especially when rounding blind corners.

OHVs are not allowed on the Buford-New Castle Road. Instead, OHVs should use motorized trail #2290 (also known as the BNC parallel route), which begins at the West Elk Trailhead and ends at Forest Road-601 near Meadow Lake.